Some pictures from Canada

Taken with my Nikon F60 by Ovidiu Vaduvescu

Ontario, Canada Summer 2004

On the zero meridian!
Greenwich Observatory, London
Our French friend Damien, London, UK

David Dunlap Observatory, Toronto
Dangerous woman!

Junky, our first car
Sunset from our Mississauga balcony
Romanian Church nearby our building
Our friend KLM, taking off from Toronto Airport
Toronto from the CN Tower (the world's highest tower)

Niagara Cannyon, Ontario
Niagara Falls with Damien
Niagara - the Canadian falls...
With Silviu & Rodica, Niagara Cannyon
Rainbow over Niagara - the American falls
Niagara Lake City, lake Ontario

Biodome de Montreal, Quebec
Near the Parliament Building in Ottawa

At Muskoka in hammock!
Saint Jacobs Park, Ontario
Point Pelee National Park, Ontario
Rockwood Lake, Ontario, Canada
Near the moose in Algonquin Park!
Indian summer, Forks of the Credit River
The Seguin Steamship, Muskoka lakes
The most Southern point of Canada, Point Pelee
Canadian autumn, Presqu'ille Park, Ontario

Astronomy Dept Building at Univ of Toronto
Astronomy Day, April 29, 2001 at UofT
A future astronomer looking to the Moon!
The great company I've worked for, Financial Models Co.
The last day at FMC with my former boss and team

Romanian Church in Mississauga (Easter 2002)

David Dunlap Observatory, Richmond Hill Toronto Canada (June 2005):
| Admin Bldg 1 | Admin Bldg 1 big | Admin Bldg 3 | 1.9m Dome |
| Ovidiu 1.9m dome | Another one | Another one big |

| Concertul Tudor Gheorghe si Nicolae Voiculet, Toronto 3 iunie 2005 |

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