Old Astronomical Images (Romania) by Ovidiu Vaduvescu

All the images were taken using a HiSys 22 768x512 pixels CCD (4'x2'.5 field)
mounted on a Prin-Merz double refractor F=600/d=38cm at
Astronomical Institute of Romanian Academy in Bucharest.

The Comet Hyakutake at great opposition in April 1996 !
The Comet Hale-Bopp in isophotes on October 4th, 1996...
Appulse of minor planet (7) Iris by a PPM catalogue star on August 28th, 1995.
Occultation of Aldebaran by Moon on October 1st, 1996 !
Occultation of Venus by the Moon recorded in the noon of July 12th, 1996 !
Mutual Phenomena in Saturn's Satellite system in July 1996.
Globular cluster M15!

Many thanks to Calin Niculae for the presentation!

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