(updated 12 Dec 2024 with few KILLALL samples) 1. SELECT (1.5 Kb; 1992); Selecting stellar astrometrical databases obtained at the meridian circle of the AIRA; Given data: file containing the chronological observations; Precision of comput: accurate; 2. ORDON (8 Kb; 1992); Ordering stellar astrometrical databases obtained at the meridian circle of the AIRA; Given data: file containing the chronological observations; Precision of comput: accurate; 3. PASTE (38 Kb; 1992) [Download] Computing both the Catholic and Orthodox Easter date for an interval; Given data: start year, number of years; Precision of comput: accurate; 4. PASTEOES (24 Kb; 1994) [Download] Collaboration with Edgar SOULIE, Societe Astronomique de France; Computing the Orthodox Easter date for an interval; Given data: start year, stop year; Precision of comput: accurate; 5. COM_AS (22 Kb; 1992) [Download] Computing an approximate geocentrical ephemeridae of a comet or asteroid; Given data: comet: orbital elements (epoch of passing, revolution period, semi-major axis, eccentricity, argument of perigee, longitude of the ascending node, inclination), comput date; small planet: orbital elements (semi-major axis, eccentricity, argument of perigee, longitude of the ascending node, inclination, mean motion, mean anomaly, epoch), comput date; Precision of comput: alpha 1min, delta 5'; 6. P_S_L (50 Kb; 1992) [Download] Computing an approximate geocentrical ephemeridae of the Sun, Moon and of the planets (excepting Pluto) and the planets' apparent magnitude; Given data: comput date; Precision of comput: planets and Sun: alpha 1min, delta 5', magnit 0.1m, Moon: alpha 1s, delta 3"; 7. ASTRO (64 Kb; 1994) [Download] Computing the geocentrical ecliptic longitudes and zodiacal signs for the planets (excepting Pluto), Sun and Moon and the sideral local time; Given data: comput date, geographical longitude, hour circle; Precision of comput: planets and Sun: 1min, Moon: 1s, sideral local time: 0.001s; 8. EF_PL (45 Kb; 1994) [Download] Computing the approximate ephemeridae of one of the planets (excepting Pluto), phase angle, apparent magnitude and geocentrical distance; Given data: start date, planet; press a key when ready; Precision of comput: alpha 1m, delta 5', phase angle 0.5ø, magnitude 0.1m, geoc distance 0.01UA; 9. R_A_T_PL (54 Kb; 1994) [Download] Computing the time for rising, setting or meridian passing for one of the planets (excepting Pluto); Given data: start date, geographical latitude and longitude, hour circle, planet, phenomenon; press a key when ready; Precision of comput: 1m; Reference: this software works for the Astronomical Yearbook of the AIRA; 10. ELEM (24 Kb; 1992) [Download] Computing the elements of the elliptical orbit of a asteroid or a comet (semi-major axis, eccentricity, argument of perigee, longitude of the ascending node, inclination, mean motion, epoch of passing), by using Gauss method; Given data: 3 observation times and the corresponding right ascensions and declinations of the observed body; Precision of comput: s-m axis 0.1UA, ecc 0.01, arg of per 1ø, long of asc node 5deg, incl 0.5deg, mean motion 0.1deg, epoch of passing 3 days; 11. HA_PL1 (518 Kb; 1994) [Download] Graphing the apparent annual path of one of the planets (excepting Pluto) on a chart containing SAO stars up to 6 magnitude and the constellations and their names (optionally); Given data: year, planet, comput step, colours, limiting magnitude, display limits, (for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) center of projection (alpha, delta) and field (alpha, delta); Precision of graph: on 640x480 monitor: accurate for Mercury, Venus and Mars, for Jupiter and Saturn 2 pixels, for Uranus and Neptune 20 pixels; Requires EGA, VGA or SVGA display; Reference: this software works for the Astronomical Yearbook of the AIRA; 12. HA_RA (75 Kb; 1993) [Download] Graphing the annual visibility path for the planets (excepting Pluto); Given data: year, planet, colours, display limits, geographical latitude and longitude of place, hour circle; Precision of graph: on 640x480 monitor: accurate; Reference: this software works for the Astronomical Yearbook of the AIRA; 13. CELESTIAL MAPS (418 Kb; 1992); Collaboration with Mirel Birlan, AIRA; Graphing celestial maps in 3 types of projection, FK5 catallogue (1549 stars at 2000 epoch), planets, constellations, Sun, Moon with their names (optionally), ploting the maps on 3 types of printers, menu, spectral type color stars and brightness, information file; Precision of graph: accurate; Requires EGA, VGA or SVGA display; English version (417,739B), Romanian version (418,397B), English demo version (518,667B); 14. CELESTIAL MAPS v.3.1. (439 Kb; 1993); Collaboration with Mirel Birlan, AIRA; More than CM: database in type files, 2 types of projection, stars brought to epoch, nonstellars, planets animation, search an object (stellar, nonstellar or constellation), creating own database; Precision of graph: accurate; Reference: this software was recorded by "La Maison de l'Astronomie Devaux-Chevet", Paris; English version (438,602B), Romanian version (452,132B), English demo version (434,378B); 15. CELESTIAL MAPS v.4.5 (721 Kb SAO database up to 6m (5,103 stars), 16MB SAO large database (258,996 stars), 20MB PPM large database (319,494 stars); 1994); Collaboration with Mirel Birlan, AIRA; More than CM 3.1: (optional) 4 denomination of the stars (SAO, PPM, BD, HD), producing files containing the stars in the field, possible to install of partial large database; Recommending a minimum 386; Precision of graph: accurate; there are also 6 auxiliary programs for selecting and processing of database from CD-ROM (Selected Astronomical Catalogs, courtesy by NASA, through AIRA); Reference: this software works for the Astronomical Yearbook of the AIRA; 16. FENO (67 Kb; 1995) [Download] Collaboration with Fanel Donea, AIRA; Computing phenomena in the solar system: Moon phases, apogee and perigee, Sun's entering in zodiacal signs, Earth aphelion and perihelion; Given data: start date, comput step, end date; Precision of comput: Moon phase 1m, apogee and perigee accurate, Sun in signs 10m, Earth aphelion and perihelion 12h; 17. MAP_SAT (173 Kb + data files, 1995); Graphing the monthly apparent configurations of the major planets' satellites; Given data: files containing the relative coordinates of the satellites obtained from "satellite almanac" software by U.S. Naval Observatory, year, month, planet, number of satellites; Precision of graph: accurate; Reference: this software works for the Astronomical Yearbook of the AIRA; 18. TS_UT (23 Kb + data file, 1995); Changing the sideral time in universal time; Given data: file contining UT at epoch, geographical coordinates; Precision of comput: 0.001s; 19. STARPOSO (50 Kb + data file, 1995); Version of the source "star_pos", author Dr. Francois Chollet, Observatoire de Paris; Computing geocentrical positions of stars; Given data: file containing J2000.0 positions, proper motions, parallax, epoch, type of position (mean, true, apparent); Precision of comput: 0.01"; 20. CREP (29 Kb, 1995); Computing moments of start and end of the twilight in a month; Given data: data (start+end), geographical coordinates, type of the twilight (astronomical, civil, nautical); Precision of comput: 1m; 21. RAMA (26 Kb, 1995); Computing the time of the Ramadan celebration; Given data: JD (start+end), geographical coordinations; Precision of comput: 1m; 22. ECU_ORIZ (24 Kb, 1995) [Download] Changing the ecuatorial coordinations into the orizontal ones (without corrections); Given data: data, TU, geographical coordinations; Precision of comput: accurate; 23. REL1 (21 Kb + data base, 1995); Computing the relative CCD positions of an object; Given data: file containing the measured positions of the object and that of a star; Precision of comput: accurate; 24. REL2 (24 Kb + data base, 1995); Reducing the relative and absolute positions of an object; Given data: file containing the measured positions of the object and of two known stars and the absolute positions of the stars; Precision of comput: accurate; 25. REL3 (20 Kb + data base, 1995); Reducing the absolute positions of an object; Given data: file contining measured positions of the object and of a star, the absolute of the star and the coefficients of rotation; Precision of comput: accurate; 26. SEPXY (19 Kb, 1995); Computing the moment and the value of the minimum separation for an appulse of an asteroid with a star; Given data: coefficients of polynomial of fitting in X,Y and time, start and end conditions; Precision of comput: accurate in distance, 5m in moment; 27. SEPAD (19 Kb, 1995); Computing the moment and the value of the minimum separation for an appulse of an asteroid with a star; Given data: coefficients of polynomial of fitting in alpha, delta and time, start and end conditions; Precision of comput: accurate in distance, 5m in moment; 28. TOP (19 Kb, 1995) [Download] Timing tops signaled by an observer by typing a PC; Precision of comput: 0.001s; 29. INT_TOP (12 Kb, 1995) [Download x86 Version] [Download Pentium Version] Simulating an occultation of a star by a fainter asteroid, recording on a PC times of reaction of an visual observer at immersion and emersion; Precision: 0.001s; 30. CELESTIAL MAPS v.5.0 (1996) [Brief Description and Download] 822 Kb SAO database up to 6m (5,103 stars); 16MB SAO large database (258,996 stars), 20MB PPM large database (319,494 stars); More than CM 4.5: drawing stars as points or circles (setting limits and maximum nine magnitude intervals), printing in inkjet, saving options, searching PPM or SAO stars by number, Messier catalogue of nonstelars; 12 colors for spectral type, signaling the absence of a file; Recommended PC minimum 486; Precision of graph: accurate; 31. SELADPPM (33 Kb + PPM catalogue, 1996) Selecting PPM stars from "Positions and Proper Motions Catalogue Stars" (Roeser et Bastian, 1991) on CD-ROM, according to a range in coordinates; Given data: PPM star catalogue, range of the coordinates; Precision: accurate; 32. SELDUB1, SELDUB2, SELDUB3 (33 Kb, 36 Kb, 35 Kb + PPM catalogue, 1996); Collaboration with Dr. Gheorghe Vass, AIRA; Selecting couples of PPM stars with separations inferior to a value; Given data: PPM star catalogue, maximum separation; Precision: accurate; 33. LAPLACE (49 Kb, 1996); Computing the preliminary orbit of a body in the Solar System, using the Laplace method of three observations; Given data: three times and coordinates of the observed body, geocentrical equatorial coordinates and velocities of the Sun at these times; Precision: s-m axis 0.1UA, ecc 0.01, arg of per 1ø, long of asc node 3deg, incl 0.5deg, mean motion 0.1deg, epoch of passing 3 days; 34. ASTER (30 Kb + database, 1996) [Download] Computing the ephemerida of a list of asteroids or comets using their orbital elements; this software is good to check for potential new observed objects; Given data: file with asteroids' orbital elements (please keep this format when update it), mean epoch, comput date; Precision: alpha 1min, delta 5', dist Sun (Earth) - asteroid 0.001AU; 35. APRPPM1 (43 Kb + PPM catalogue, 1997); Computing geocentrical J2000 approaches of a body in the Solar System to PPM stars; Given data: maximum sepparation, PPM star catalogue (Roeser and Bastian, 1991), geocentrical J2000 ephemerida of the body (JD, alpha, delta); Precision: accurate, depending on the ephemerida and the positions of the stars; 36. APRPPM2 (47 Kb + PPM catalogue, 1997); Computing topocentrical approaches of a body in the Solar System to PPM stars; Given data: maximum sepparation, PPM star catalogue (Roeser and Bastian, 1991), geocentrical J2000 ephemerida of the body (JD, alpha, delta), geographical coordinates of the observer; Precision: accurate, depending on the ephemerida and the positions of the stars; 37. ECLIPSA (39 Kb + database, 1997) [Download] Computing time of contacts and time of maximum phase of an solar eclipse for a topocentrical position; Given data: Moon's and Sun's topocentrical apparent ephemeris (retrieved from "MICA v.1.0b3" software by U.S. Naval Observatory); Precision: 0.3s; 38. CELESTIAL MAPS v.7.0 (2000) [Brief Description and Download] 1.15MB SAO database up to 6m (5,103 stars); 18MB SAO large database (258,996 stars), 22MB PPM large database (319,494 stars); More than CM 5.0: plot maps on virtual screen (1-3x), full printing capabilities, complete online help, saving and loading maps; Require Windows 9* or NT; recommendable 486 or Pentium; Precision of graph: accurate; 39. CELESTIAL MAPS v.8.0 (805 Kb + database; 2000); [Brief Description + Screen Samples + Small DB Version + 3 Large DB Online] The package runs 10 astronomical catalogues adding together about 22 millions of objects up to the maximum magnitude 17 (550 MB in total, on a CD-ROM): More than CM 7.0: major extended database, extended search by catalogue number, basic astrometry, zoom, center, object info, adding locations, saving images, extended grid, etc; Requires Windows 9* or NT and a CD-ROM unit (run from HD, 550 MB or direct from the CD); Recommendable 486 or Pentium; Precision of graph: accurate; 40. Gal_Vel (35 Kb, 2000) | [DOS/Win Version] | [Linux Version] | Computing the galactocentric velocities of the stars given their heliocentric coordinates; Given data: equatorial positions, parallaxes, proper motions, radial velocities; Precision: 1 Km/s; 41. Gal_Orb (35 Kb, 2000) | [DOS/Win Version] | [Linux Version] | [Sun's Galactic Motion] | Numerical integrator of the movement of a star in the Galaxy starting from the Sun's neighbourhood; Given data: staring position and velocity, time step, repetitions; Precision in position: 0.001 Kpc; 42. SELTYC (35 Kb, 2001) | [DOS/Win Version] | [Linux Version] | Selecting stars from Tycho-2 catalogue to be used for predicting appulses (see #43) Given data: Tycho-2 main catalogue and his supplement 1 (Hog et Urban, 2001); body's astrometric J2000 ephemeridae (HORIZONS, Yeomans et al, JPL 2000); Precision: accurate; 43. APRTYC (43 Kb, 2001) | [DOS/Win Version] | [Linux Version] | Computing appulses (J2000, geocentric or topocentric) of a Solar System body to Tycho-2 catalogue stars; Given data: selected Tycho-2 catalogue (see #42); body's ephemeridae (HORIZONS, Yeomans et al, JPL 2000); Precision: about 1 min in time, about 1" in minimum separation; the precision depends on the ephemeris (recommended step: 1 day for geocentric predictions, 1 hr for topocentric); 44. SELAPP (17 Kb, 2001) | [DOS/Win Version] | [Linux Version] | Selecting single appulse entries - multiple events can appear when run APRTYC (# 43) with a small step (e.g. 1hr at topocenter); Given data: (multiple) events list output from APRTYC; Precision: accurate; 45. KILLALL (10 Kb, 2001) - IRAF script to remove foreground stars from a galaxy field; Few sample animations showing the power of KILLALL: ... from my Canadian PhD: | Maffei I (2MASS image in NIR K)] | NGC 1569 (CFHT/CHTTIR image K-band, prove KILLALL in 5 steps) | ... for Viktoria Pinter's PhD: | NGC 59 (VISTA/VIRCAM image K-band) | NGC 3077 (CFHT/WIRCAM image K-band) | ... and for Viki's PhD, two largest most problematic (which probably can be fixed): | NGC 205 (CFHT/WIRCAM image K-band) | M 32 (CFHT/WIRCAM image K-band) | KILLALL was a collaboration with Prof. Marshall McCall, York University, Canada. The original algorithm/script was developed by Prof. McCall & Ron Buta in the '90's. The script was ported in Linux on IRAF 2.11 (or later) by Ovidiu Vaduvescu (2001-2003, last checked 2024); Input data: FITS image of "dirty" galaxy field (including many stars), IRAF parameter file; 46. REDNIR1 (3 Kb, 2001) IRAF (v.2.11) script to reduce NIR observations of a galaxy using the "cuadrant" observing mode (moving the target in the four quadrans of the detector - possible when the galaxy is small compared with the FOV); Given data: (multiple) images of the galaxies, flat fields (high and low intensity); Reference: the script was used to reduce data observed on the 2.1m telescope at OAN-SPM ("Observatorio Astronomico Nacional San Pedro Martir") in Mexico, 28 Feb - 3 Mar run by O. Vaduvescu, R. Fingerhut & Dr. M. Richer; 47. REDNIR2, REDNIR4, REDNIR5, REDNIR6 (3 Kb each, 2001, 2002, 2003 & resp 2004) [Download REDNIR3-6 (zip package)] IRAF (v.2.11) script to reduce NIR observations of a galaxy using of alternance of sky and galaxy fields (noding and dithering the target - usable when the galaxy is large compared with the FOV); Given data: (multiple) images of the galaxies & sky, flat fields (high and low intensity); Reference: the script was used to reduce data observed on the 2.1m telescope at OAN-SPM ("Observatorio Astronomico Nacional San Pedro Martir") in Mexico, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by O. Vaduvescu & Dr. M. Richer; 48. CELESTIAL MAPS v.8.5 (0.9 MB + 540 MB large database; 2001); Collaboration with Lucian Curelaru, Deuromedia S.R.L. Brasov, Romania; More than CM 8.0: flexible fonts and colours, new constellations figures, IAU boundaries (precessed to epoch 2000), Milky Way boundaries, common star names ("FK5-SAO-HD Common Name Cross Index" catalogue, Bayer & Flamsteed numbers ("Catalogue of Brightest Stars"), Data Access (disk/memory), select large db directory, enlarged virtual screen (6x), deep sky symbols, etc. Total size: 540 MB (on a CD-ROM). Requires Windows 9* or NT and a CD-ROM unit (run from HD, 540 MB or direct from the CD); Recommendable 486 or Pentium; Precision of graph: accurate; Reference: Most of its new functions were designed to produce the printed Map of the Northern Sky published by SARM - Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (Vaduvescu, Curelaru & Grigore, 2001). 49. CELESTIAL MAPS v.9.0 (1.1 MB + 560 MB large database; 2002); [Online Description] Collaboration with Lucian Curelaru, Deuromedia S.R.L. Brasov, Romania; The software runs 15 astronomical catalogues, organised in two database: >> The Small Database (3 MB) including the following catalogues: more than 800 minor planets up to the absolute magnitude 10); >> The Large Database (560 MB) including the following professional catalogues: including more than 175,000 minor planets); All these catalogues add together about 22 millions of entries including stars up to magnitude 15, deep sky objects up to magnitude 17, and asteroids and comets as faint as the absolute maximum magnitude 20. More than CM 8.5: asteroid & comet database, extended nonstellars, planets, Sun & Moon (all with sizes), asteroids, comets, Pluto, nonstellars and animation to all projections, search asteroids & comets, embedded editor custom database, etc. Total size: 560 MB (on a CD-ROM). Requires Windows 9*/2000 or NT and a CD-ROM unit (run from HD, 560 MB or direct from the CD); Recommendable a Pentium; Precision of graph: accurate; 50. ORIENT (306 Kb, 2003); [Download] Calculating the (a, b) coefficients in the sky-plate transformation; Given data: file contining measured positions of the pairs of two known stars, and their equatorial coordinates; Precision of comput: accurate; 51. REL3 (Delphi version - 307 Kb, 2003); [Download] Reducing the absolute positions of an object using the sky-plate transformation; Given data: file contining the measured (X, Y) positions of the a few known stars, their equatorial coordinates, the positions (X, Y) of the unknown object, and the coefficients of rotation (output file of ORIENT); Precision of comput: within the star position errors; 52. REDNIR3 (3 Kb, 2002) [Download REDNIR3-6 (zip package)] IRAF (v.2.11) script to reduce NIR observations of a galaxy using the "sky-gal-sky" observing mode (alternating/noding the target with the sky - usable when the galaxy is large compared with the FOV); Given data: (multiple) images of the galaxies & sky, flat fields (high and low intensity); Reference: the script was used to reduce data observed on the 3.6m CFHT at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, in 2002 & 2004 runs by O. Vaduvescu & Prof. M. McCall, York University, Canada; 53. PASTE3 (165 Kb, 2004) [Download] Computing the Astronomical Easter for an interval; Given data: start year, number of years; Reference: the paper " An Astronomical View-point on the Easter Date"; Precision: accurate; 54. CELESTIAL MAPS v.10 (4 MB + 580 MB large database; 2005); [Online Description ] The software runs 20 astronomical database organized in three categories. Beside Small and Large Database, the following category has been added in v.10: >> The Online Database, accessing online via VizieR server the following catalogues: Additional to the 2-body model in the equatorial projection, a numeric integrator method based on the OrbFit code of A. Milani et.al. has been implemented to calculate very accurate (<1") asteroid ephemerides at any epochs. Other new functions in v.10: DSS Overlay, Run Atlas, Open Last Map, Animate Asteroid Only, Back/Forward Maps, Up/Down/Left/Right Maps (equatorial projection). | ovidiuv@yahoo.com | |